Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Here we go!

I have a confession, I am a chronic blog abandoner. It's a long held pattern, before the Internet I was also a journal abandoner, writing two or three entries then ultimately forgetting about the hopes and dreams I built of being a regular writer, then picking up a new journal a few months later only to repeat the cycle. In the not-so-distant past I went so far as to purchase a domain and hosting to deter myself from abandoning my latest blogging creation, that was a whopping success of... exactly one entry. So here I am, attempting another go at keeping a blog. Maybe this confession will help me shed the guilt and stick with it, don't give up on me yet!

I suppose this will serve as a lifestyle and crafting blog. I'm pretty sure my Facebook friends are sick to death of my pictures of food, sewn goodies and beaded creations. I need a healthy outlet for sharing, one where I don't run the risk of posting one-too-many photos of whatever strange thing I've put together for dinner. And being just over 6 months married and teaching myself to cook on a budget, yeah, whole lotta strange in my kitchen!

What you WON'T find here is perfection. Like my blogging endeavors, my life is busy, complicated and things often go undone for long periods of time. I'm also a chronic project abandoner too, my craft area is approximately 5% husbeans crafts, 15% stash, and 80% unfinished projects. And sometimes things go horribly, terribly wrong and what should have been a beautiful pink potholder looks more like a pepto bismol colored rock cozy. It happens. While I'm confessing, some days (most days) my house looks like we have a tornado that has just left after stopping in for some herbal tea and a chat. I'm not the cookie cutter lifestyle blogger. I'm in awe of those that are and have a lot of respect for women that can manage a home, keep a job, raise a house of kids, budget like a master, sew clothes for the whole family and have a pantry full of canned goods, all with a smile and sans meltdowns. Those women rock, but I'm not in that category. And I'm totally fine with that, I hope that you dear reader, will find that as refreshing an idea as I do. Because I'm really looking forward to sharing my imperfect but fun life with you.

On that note, I'll leave you with a little about me so that you'll know me as something more than "crazy lady who never finishes anything." That's just too much of a mouthful. My name is Yiskah and I'm 25. I was married to my husband on 12/12/12 after dating for a month and a half (have I mentioned I'm also impulsive? Because I am.) I'm finishing up my B.A. In Humanities and have a background in photography, graphic design, and allied health. I enjoy crafts, sewing, thrift shopping and Star Trek. We live in Idaho with our rat Teancum R. Sinatra (Tea, for short) and a revolving cast of fish.

Our -20 degree wedding under the whale bones in Barrow, Alaska

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